Christians are often hesitant to seek out therapy for fear of being judged or being accused of not having enough faith, prayer, or hope in the Lord. Christians face many of the same issues that non-believers face, and many carry shame and guilt for letting people know what is happening behind closed doors. In reality, seeking therapy is an act of strength and is in line with Biblical teaching. In Proverbs, we are counseled to seek counsel:
He Leadeth Me
“When God pushes you to the edge, trust Him fully,
because only two things can happen.
Either He will catch you when you fall
He will teach you how to fly.
Learn how to listen to that small, still Voice,
Only then, can you hear HIM when He calls.”
– Unknown Author
This is just one of the many verses where a man is called unwise for not seeking counsel, and wise when they are moved to find Godly counsel. Seeking Godly counsel is approved of the Lord, and this is not just limited to Pastoral assistance but finding help through prayers, scripture, and those who are anointed in the calling of reconciliation, guidance, and gifted with wisdom from the Lord.
Recognizing the need for a Christian Therapist is nothing to be ashamed of, instead, we commend you for recognizing when you need help that goes beyond your own methods. Instead, taking the step to reach out is viewed as a source of strength in working with someone who is gifted with this type of wisdom and insight than what you may have at the moment. If you desire a Christian Therapist, please give us a call and make a note of it on your Intake paperwork.